Kumpulan Soal UNBK atau USBN SMP dan MTs Bahasa Inggris

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Bacaan untuk nomor soal 1 sampai dengan 3
Nowadays people become busier and busier. Sometimes they have to do some important businesses
in many different towns on the same day. To overcome this, we need the fastest mean of transportation. The
best choice is to travel by air.
Garuda Airlines, Merpati Nusantara Airlines and Bouraq  are  some  of  the  Indonesian  Airlines.  Each offers the best facilities to the passengers.
Travelling by air makes us feel that the world is getting narrower. We need less time to reach our destination than to travel on the road.
You have to buy a ticket first before you travel by plane. You can get the tickets in the tickets agencies which are easy to get now.
The worst thing in travelling by air is that the plane cannot reach any towns located within short distances.  Town  within  sort  distances  do  not  have plane routes and small do not have airports.

The best title for the passage above is … A.   travelling by sea
B.   travelling by air
C.   travelling by land
D.   travelling by water

To reach …, travelling by air is faster than by road. A.   place
B.   destination
C.   town
D.   city

Because people are getting busier, travelling by air is the best way.
The idea can be found in paragraph … A.   one
B.   two
C.   three
D.   four

She made maiden voyage from Great Britain to New
York in May 1936.
The underline word has the same meaning as … A.   first
B.   second
C.   third
D.   fourth

It was designed to be largest, faster, and the most luxurious ship in the world.
The antonym of the words “largest” is … A.   biggest
B.   smallest
C.   highest
D.   longest

Arif     : Where does Mr. Rahmad work?
Batara :  He works is rice field. He plants rice.
He is a good … A.   teacher
B.   farmer
C.   butcher
D.   carpenter

Mr. Jack  : What you will do in the factory tomorrow?
Mr. Bakri :  I … a new machine. A.   operate
B.   operated
C.   will operate
D.   am opening

Lusiana : What is your uncle’s job?
Lutfi      :  He is a farmer Lusiana : What does he do? Lutfi      :  He usually …
A.   grows rice
B.   teacher the student C.   delivers the letters D.   studies at school

Joni  : Where does Mr. Suyanto go? Jono  :  He goes to the harbour
He works in a ship, and often goes abroad for
Joni  : What does he do? Jono  :  He is a …
A.   doctor
B.   sailor
C.   tailor
D.   policeman

Mother: Here are two beautiful skirts, Noni
Blue and Brown
Which one do you like? Noni   : …
It’s my favorite colour
A.   I want the skirt
B.   I want the colours C.   I want both of them D.   I want the blue one

Hendra’s hobby is playing tennis.
He really wants to be a good tennis player. So his father told him that …
A.   he must practice regularly and seriously
B.   he can practice whenever he wants
C.   he will practice if his father asks him to
D.   he may practice if he has time

Rino    : Where’s daddy, mummy? Mother: He is in the living room.
He … news on TV. A.   watched
B.   watches
C.   will watch
D.   is watching

Bacaan untuk soal nomor 13 sampai dengan 15

Mira’s mother wants to make a dress for Mira. She needs Mira’s help.
Mira      : What will you do, Mom? Mother  :  I want to make a dress for you. Mira      :  It’s wonderful.
Mother  :  So help me, please.
Mira      :  What can I do for you, Mom?
Mother  :  Get me the scissors over there, a needle, green thread and a tape measure.
Mira      :  Do you need a zipper and pins, too? Mother  :  Oh, yes, I forget to buy the zipper.
There are still some pins in the drawer of the
sewing machine.
Will you buy a zipper for me? Mira      : I will, Mom?

The text is about …
A.   the wonderful dress B.   the sewing machine C.   making a dress
D.   the kind of dress

Mira’s mother wants to make a … dress
A.   red
B. black C. white D.   green

‘It’s wonderful.”
The underlined expression means … A.   I am very happy to hear that
B.   I feel beautiful to hear that
C.   I look great to wear that
D.   I look good to have that

Ani   : What have you done? Ana  :  Why?
Ani   :  You look …
Ana  :  Oh, I have played basketball
A.   tired B.   sad C.   pate
D.   sleepy

Andi   : We are in a hurry. How should we go, Dul?
By bike or motorcycle
Dullah : I think motorcycle will be better, because it is
… than bike
A.   fast
B.   faster C.   slow D.   slower

Tio      :  How do you go to school, Wan?
Wawan:  By bicycle will be better, because it is … than bike
A.   go
B.   went
C.   will go
D.   have gone

Arrange this sentences to make a coherent paragraph!
1.    They had to stay in a hotel.
2.    They looked for some hotels to stay the night.
3.    Johan and Bangkit went to Yogyakarta last month.
4.    They didn’t have any relatives there.
5.    So they didn’t need to eat out.
6.    They enjoyed staying in the hotel very much. A.   3 – 4 – 8 – 6 – 2 – 1 – 5 – 7
B.   3 – 2 – 4 – 7 – 1 – 8 – 6 – 5
C.   3 – 4 – 1 – 2 – 7 – 8 – 5 – 6
D.   3 – 8 – 2 – 1 – 5 – 7 – 6 – 4

Look at the map!
Merauke is in the … part of
Irian Jaya
A.   Northern B.   Eastern C.   Western D.   Southern

Most   people   don’t   notice   that   giraffes   have different patterns of spots. Certain species of giraffes have small spots. Other species have large spots. Some species have spots than are very regular. You can tell where one spot ends and another begins.
Other species have spots that are kind of blotchy. This means the spots are not set off from each other as clearly. These are only two of many kind of spots. The pattern of giraffe’s spots is called “marking”. No two giraffes have exactly the same marking.
Giraffe’s spots help them to blend in with their surroundings in Africa where they live. Being able to blend  with  surroundings  helps  animals  survive.  If  a lion can’t see a giraffe, he certainly can’t eat it. This is called  ‘protective  coloration’.  The  animal’s  colour helps to protect it.
Another thing that protects giraffes is their keen eyesight.  Their  large  eyes  are  on  the  sides  of  their heads. Giraffes see anything that moves. They can see another animal a mile away. It is very hard to sneak up on a giraffe. Those who try usually get a quick kick with a powerful back leg.

Where are giraffe’s eyes? A.   Around its long neck
B.   On the front part of its head
C.   On the left side of this head
D.   On the sides of its head

Giraffes protect themselves with their …
A.   back legs B.   front legs C.   long necks
D.   spot patterns

What is protective coloration?
A.  An ability to see from long distance B.   An ability to blend with surroundings C.   The colour pattern of giraffe’s spot
D.  The way to protect certain species

‘…, he certainly can’t eat it’ (in paragraph 3) A.  an animal
B.   a giraffe
C.   a lion
D.  a people

Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A.   Different Kind of Giraffes
B.   More About Giraffes
C.   Giraffes and their Surroundings
D.   People and Giraffes

Lia : Have you heard that Surabaya Zoo gets a new animal?
Nia : No. What animal is it? And where is it from? Lia : It is from Australia. The Australian government
gave it to Surabaya Zoo because the zoo didn’t
have it. The animal has two short legs at the front and two long legs at the back.
Nia : It is …, isn’t?
Lia : Yes, you’re right. A.   a koala
B.   a bear
C.   a kangaroo
D.   an orang utan

Angga : Hello, Danu. What’s the matter with you?
Danu   : Have you heard that Kelud mountain erupted last night?
And some of my relatives live there. Angga : …
Why don’t you look for the information about it?
A.   that’s a good idea
B.   I am sorry to hear that
C.   I am glad to hear it
D.   that’s fantastic news

Haryo  : I like searing T-shirt, but I don’t like wearing shirts. How about you, Nur?
Nuri    : Well, I also like wearing T-shirts better than
shirts. So, I … A.   always wear shirts B.   don’t like T-shirts C.   seldom wear shirts
D.   prefer shirts to T-shirts

Yunita   : Have you hear that Merapi Mountain erupted
last night?
Martini  : Do you now how many animals were killed? Yunita   : All, … of them was safe
A.   some
B.   both C. each D.   none

Feri   : Do you like the view of the mountain? Yudi : Yes, I enjoy it very much.
Feri   : I hope …
Yudi : Yes, of course and I will be back here as possible.
Feri   : Thank you that you like my village. A.   you are happy here
B.   you can go home soon
C.    I never come here again
D.   the view is still beautiful

What is the text about?
A.   How students learn at any school
B.   What students learn to a vocational school
C.   Where students go to get immediate job
D.   When students learn practical experience

What do the students go to a vocational school for?
A.   To prepare themselves to work or have their own business right after finishing their school
B.   To learn theoretical knowledge at school
C.   To get practical experience in the field they are learning
D.   To prepare themselves with technological works

What does school do to adjust themselves with the development of technology?
A.   They provide students with computers
B.   They produce computers operators, programmer, and mechanics
C.   They send their students to computer courses
D.   They set up many private institutions

Why do many schools provide their students with computers?
Because computers …
A.   are modern technology
B.   are available at private institutions
C.   are modern and have been used widely in the world
D.   are modern and trendy

“They in turn, will create new jobs.” (the last
The underlined word refer to … A.   computer work training
B.   computer courses
C.   many private institutions
D.   computer operators, programmers, and mechanics

Doctor : Let’s give treatment to the patient soon.
Nurse  : …. He looks seriously ill. Doctor : Prepare the equipments, please. Nurse  : Sure, Doctor!
A.   Yes, I agree
B.   No, I disagree C.   That’s wrong D.   Don’t worry

Anton : What time will you go to Jakarta, Andi? Andi   : At five, this evening, by bus.
Anton : Have you prepared yourself?
Andi   : Yes, I have. I always prepare everything I
need … the time comes. A.   before
B.   after
C.   when
D.   until

The following things belong to “household
A.   Axe, hoe, hammer
B.   Blender, mixer, rice cooker
C.   Computer, radio, TV
D.   Thermometer, stethoscope, scissors

Tina and Toni are in Bali for holiday. Tina  :
Toni  :
A.   market
B.   bookshop
C.   department store
D.   souvenir shop

This is SLTP Putra Pertiwi. It is a good junior secondary school in West Jakarta. The students of this school come here everyday. They do s lot of activities. They learn different kinds of subject, such as mathematics, Indonesian language, Biology and English.
Everyday they wear the school uniform, white and white for every Monday, white and blue for every Tuesday to Thursday, Batik and blue for every Friday
and scout uniform and the PMR uniform for every

The students wear … every Friday. A.   white and blue
B.   white and white
C.   batik and blue
D.   scout uniform

What days do students wear the white and blue
A.   Tuesday, Monday and Wednesday B.   Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday C.   Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
D.   Monday, Thursday and Saturday

The learn different kinds of subjects. The underlined word means …
A.   lessons
B.   studies
C.   topics
D.   problems

Anggi    : I am sorry, sir. I come late. Mr. Adi : Why do you come late?
Anggi    : I got up late, because my mother is sick. Mr. Adi : Well, …
A.  will you come late again?
B.   don’t be late again? C.   don’t be lazy again D.  it’s better late

Mr. Alwi : How does the new secretary do her job?
Mr. Iman : She is a good secretary, she always does everything …
A.   slowly
B.   strongly
C.   fat
D.   well

Maman  : I have to go to Jakarta tomorrow, but I don’t have enough money to buy a ticket. How can I go there?
Ilyas      : You can go there by an economic-class train. Maman  : How about the executive class?
Ilyas : It’s … the economy class, but it more expensive.
A.   better than
B.   the worst C.   worse than D.   the best

Johan promised to pickup his girl friend from the office at 5 yesterday. As he had urgent work to finish he just
stopped working at 5 pm. He ran all the way to the bus
stop but he missed it. He decided to take a taxi and arrived at his girl friend’s office at 5.10 but she was not there.
How long was he late?
A.   He was a few minutes late
B.   He was a few hours late
C.   Only a little time
D.   More than ten minutes

Afifi : Have you read this magazine? Utomo : Yes, why?
Afifi : …
Utomo : You’re right. All articles here are important for us to read.
A.   What magazine is good?
B.   How is a good magazine like? C.   What magazine is this?
D.   What a good magazine it is?

Bacaan untuk soal nomor 49 sampai nomor 50

Newspapers are important source of information. That is why, most people in big cities … (49) to certain newspaper. They begin their days by reading the paper. In this way, they learn what is going on in the world. Sometimes, however, they do not have time to read the news carefully. They only have time for a quick look at the front … (50)

A.   subscribe
B.   provide
C.   buy
D.   read

A.   press
B.   page
C.   stories
D.   comment
Bacaan untuk soal nomor 53 sampai dengan 55.

Tree is the largest of all plants. The tallest tree grows over 62 meters in height. Many trees also live longer than other plants. Some tree lives for thousands of years. They are oldest living things that man knows.
People think that trees are different from other plants. Most of other plant grow only for a short time and then die. People thing of trees as a permanent part of the landscape.
Trees continue to grow as long as they live. They grow new leaves and flowers. Leaves of a tree make food. The food keeps the tree alive and helps it grow. The flowers grow into fruits. The fruit contains seeds for making new trees.
Trees are different from other plants like herbs and shrubs. Most trees grow at least 4.6 to 6.1 meters, but herb and shrub are much shorter than trees. Trees have one woody stem, which is called trunk. Herbs have soft and juicy stem. Shrubs are like trees, they have woody stem, but most shrubs have more than one stem, and none of stems of the shrubs grows so thick as  a tree trunk.
There are thousands of kinds of trees. But most trees belong to one of two main groups. They are broadleaf trees and needle leaf trees. These two types of trees grow in manya parts of the world. Most other types of trees, such as palms and tree ferns, grown mainly in warm regions.

Adapted from: The World Book Encyclopedia

One of these statements is true according to the text.
A.  All plants grow over 61 meters tall
B.   People think that tree live longer than other plants C.   Trees grow new leaves and flowers to make food D.  These are only two kinds of tree, big trees, and
small trees

What do leaves of tree make? A.  Fruits
B.   Food
C.   Flowers
D.  Seeds

People think of trees as a permanent part of the
landscape. (paragraph 2)
The underlined word mean … A.  shortly die
B.   grow only for a short time
C.   can’t grow in certain area
D.  long lasting

Bacaan untuk nomor 54 sampai dengan nomor 56

The application of sophisticated on ornamental plants and flowers results in the invention of new varieties and beautiful flowers in different shapes and colours. The effect is that there will be a great development  of  flower  farming  in  the  future.  More over the farmers will be motivated to increase their production for export. This was said by the President on the opening ceremony of “Taman Bunga Nasional” (National  Flower  Park)  in  Cipanas,  Bandung,  West Java.
TBN is built by Yayasan Bunga National in 1994. It is located in a village called Karang Luwih on a 35 hectare-land. This is planned to be the largest park and the largest exhibition area throughout the world. It is also a place conducting research and experiment on agriculture, especially flowers or other ornamental plants.
The main purpose of this project is oriented on preparing the flowers/plants as one of the export commodities. “This will hopefully increase the living
standard of farmers”, the president closed his speech.

The best title for the text is …
A.  The use of new technology
B.   The largest exhibition in the world
C.   The living of flowers farmers
D.  The National Flower Park

What is the objective of using sophisticated technology in flower farming?
A.  To export ornamental plants and flowers
B.   To increase the income of Indonesian
C.   To prepare the use of new technology
D.  To get a great development in the future

The function of “TBN” is not only exhibition but also for …
A.  show
B.   export
C.   ceremony
D.  research

Amri          : Excuse me, please. I’m looking for my
Pak Harun  : Is this one yours? Amri          : No, mines … of all Pak Harun  : What about this one?
Amri          : No. That it’s it, over there. The one with the lock on it.
Pak Harun  : Here you are. Amri          : Thanks you
A.  big
B.   bigger
C.   the biggest
D.  small
Sandra : How do we get to the exhibition of flora and fauna, Dewi?
Dewi   : I’ve decided to walk there. It’s not too far. Sandra : Okay, let’s go now, and I think there will be
… many people if we come in the afternoon.
A.  so and so
B.   enough
C.   too
D.  so

Read the jumbled sentences carefully!
1.    Therefore rainforests are found near the equator.
2.    The trees grow to thirty meters tall.
3. They need not only a lot of rain but also a high temperature.
4.    Their branches and leaves form an umbrella.
5.    Rainforests grow in tropical parts of Indonesia.
6. The tropical rainforest is a warm, wet, and silent place.
The possible arrangement of the paragraph can be … A.  3 – 6 – 1 – 2 – 5 – 4
B.   2 – 5 – 4 – 6 – 1 – 3
C.   5 – 3 – 1 – 6 – 2 – 4
D.  4 – 1 – 6 – 5 – 2 – 3

“There are two types of tree based on the shape of the
Which is the synonym of the underlined word? A.  length
B.   form
C.   width
D.  thickness

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